codeulike (Page 2)

Remote Desktop on High DPI screens

Scott Hanselman wrote a nice blog post back in January about some of the issues you might face running Windows on a High DPI screen like that of a Surface Pro or Lenova Yoga. I'm kindof mystified that he didn't mention Remote Desktop though because thats been the number one problem for me on High DPI screens.


Salesforce User License Transitions

In Salesforce, User License types are tied to Profiles, so to change the User License type of a User, you need to change their Profile. However, only certain types of transitions are allowed:


Copying data to Salesforce Sandboxes using TalenD

A common problem with Salesforce Developer Sandboxes is that they are blank. Really you're going to want some data in there, so there are various strategies for copying data from your live instance to the Sandbox.


Salesforce and Dynamics CRM pricing for Charities

Currently I'm working on two separate projects for two different charities - one of them implementing Dynamics CRM, the other implementing Salesforce.


A closer look at the Dynamics CRM Process Control

If you use standard 'flowchart' notation to describe how to make a cup of tea, you'll get something very linear, like this:


Video demo of Dynamics CRM 2013 from WPC2013

I wrote a few months ago about the coming changes in Dynamics CRM 2013 (previously codenamed Orion). At the Worldwide Partner Conference a few weeks ago, Reuben Krippner did a good demo of the new features. And this time it was a proper live demo, not just prepared screenshots. Its on YouTube: